Honey Unpasteurized

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Indulge in the natural sweetness of unpasteurized honey, a pure and unprocessed delight straig...

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Indulge in the natural sweetness of unpasteurized honey, a pure and unprocessed delight straight from the hive to your home. Rich in flavor and nutrients, this honey retains all its natural enzymes and health benefits, as it hasn't undergone the pasteurization process. Ideal for those who appreciate natural, wholesome foods, it's a perfect addition to a variety of dishes and health remedies.


Why Honey Unpasteurized is a superior choice:


  • Full of Natural Enzymes: Retains all its beneficial properties.
  • Rich, Complex Flavor: Offers a depth of taste unlike regular honey.
  • Versatile Sweetener: Use in tea, baking, or as a spread.
  • Health Benefits: Known for its antioxidant and antibacterial properties.
  • Direct from Nature: Sourced responsibly to ensure purity and quality.


Embrace the wholesome goodness of Honey Unpasteurized in your daily diet. Whether drizzled over your morning oatmeal, added to soothing teas, or used in cooking, it brings a touch of natural sweetness to your life.

Honey Unpasteurized isn't just a sweetener. It's a healthful, natural product that connects you to the ancient traditions of honey harvesting. Thus offering a pure, unaltered taste experience.

1 cup jar= 370g

2 cup jar = 675g

3 cup jar = 1075 g

8 cup jar = 2100g


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